
Sadness is a feeling that unhappy, unlucky, feel miserable, and other negative feelings are not pleasant. Sadness occurs when the desire is not as expected. Sadness can be reflected from the face of gloom, not eager, wistful eyes, and tears.

Sadness is the opposite of happiness. Without happiness, sadness will not be there, otherwise if we do not know the sadness we will not know happiness.
Sadness is like night, and day like happiness, sadness and happiness is balance, There is someone who feels sad, on the contrary there are others who feel happy.

Sadness can cause a person to become discouraged, withdrawn and can interfere with daily activities. A sense of sadness can be dangerous, and we must care to the people who grieve or distress.

Sadness can be cured if the wishes is reached, but a desire is not always achieved.

We must make every effort to realize our desires, the rest leave it to God Almighty through pray.

There is no lasting happiness and there is no sadness that eternal. There are many important tasks to be done rather than feel sad.

So, let's smile and be excited :)


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